Ard Rock MTB Festival 22
02/08/2022Malverns Classic 22
01/09/2022The Dirt Factory Events crew get the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life when they tour the modular pump track and air bag up and down the country. Blogging each project and event is quite difficult so in this three part blog we will provide an overview of some of the places and communities we have visited in 2022 so far.
Although geographically and sometimes demographically each place is different, we witness that people from each community get the same enjoyment from riding the pump track or air bag no matter where we go. The common denominators are mountain bikes, BMX bikes, pump tracks, being outdoors and taking part in a fun activity that gives you so much back. Each single element is powerful on it’s own, but when thrown together they collide like atoms and give off so much energy, an energy which brings people together, provides a good dose of endorphins and makes people feel good about themselves. The socioeconomic and individual health benefits are huge. The reactions, facial expressions, conversation and body language from riders, parents and spectators is what motivates our team to continue our journey of encouraging more people to cycle more often.
The Dirt Factory mobile pump track has had such a positive impact over a short space of time, imagine if there were permanent installations in place, the impact and community benefit would simply multiply significantly. Hopefully more local authorities across the UK will soon start to install permanent pump tracks in our towns and cities, much like many European destinations – in fact we will go as far to say that every city and town should have a pump track in the UK.
Withernsea Pump Track (May 22)
Here we set up the Tristar Pump Track which was part of a wider event encouraging more people to cycle in the Withernsea area. The Active Withernsea Engagement and Development Officers were on hand all weekend collecting pump track user feedback and are now exploring funding options to install a permanent pump track in the area. Result.
Heaton Park Pump Track (August 22)
The Dirt Factory Events Team were asked to deliver a follow up project to the Easter half term activities. During the summer holidays our team set up the pump track for two weeks to run public and HAF sessions in the heart of Heaton Park – and it was busy. We provided coaching, bikes and helmets and a whole load of fun for 600 young people. The track was open for adults too, and quite a few of the big kids did have a pedal as well, but the kids definitely dominated this project.
Suffolk Community Games (July 2022)
A bit further from home, here our pump track was used to create one of the many activities on offer at the Suffolk Community Games organised by Active Suffolk. Tony Bush, Head of Operations at Active Suffolk said, ‘I was at the event in July and I have to say the service and equipment you provided were excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by the young people taking part.’
Parts two and three of this blog still to come, check back soon.